Trying new things with a phone camera and a ugly face is Exciting and Frustrating but guess what finally i did it i had this theory in my mind that i can be a Noticeable dude who is not camera shy and can do cool things in front of the camera i admit it if i want to chase a new dream than i have to work hard i need to put more effort in this direction. Right Now everything is like lying on a table all i need to do is just grab it and eat it for more motivation i am continuing my writing and that web series which i was talking about previously is now in works i mean the concept of the web series is starting to roll itself into the pages of my diary. umm PROGRESS made...

"Work Until Your IDOLS Become Your RIVALS" (read it somewhere....:)

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

9:25 PM

Delhi, India, pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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