
Today April 2nd a Sunday full of Comfort no work, more sleep, watching back to back movies and more relaxing in every way so, today my parents asked me what's next for myself ??? they were inquiring what's next for their day dreaming small entrepreneurial son i said i am figuring out Mom My network is in works i am thinking about some more freelancing and i said to them to just don't worry about me i am getting somewhere she acknowledges me and she said "I Have Confidence In You" than i responded her with a THANK YOU.. and i went on to continue my movie watching again. When the movie ended i assessed what i did today which gave me this conclusion that i am addicted to COMFORT and i must break this Addiction now then i went to my regular sunday afternoon sleep. I woke up after 2 hours killed some more time by watching some sitcoms on T.V. i am glad that i could write this post though... THERE IS NO HAPPINESS IN COMFORT !.!.!

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

7:52 PM

Delhi, India, pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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