Build Up

My documentary skills need some serious build up Epiphany: its not about how good your idea stands it is about how you're presenting the idea among your Audience.The Last Content Documentary i worked on didn't even cleared the beginning stages of documentary making One of the collaborator pointed out the big mistakes I did. He said its Unfocused and I am rushing things too fast.... I kinda agree with him it was really bad but we will work it out and maybe soon it will be out.!.!.!.! Someone DM'ed me saying Dude... You're an Observant.... i laughed and replied "Observant" nope i am not but thanks for the feedback... Observing the Situation i want that feeling.... i am not bitter!.!.!

Anyway Keep Up The Good Work Everyone.

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

12:52 am

Delhi, India., pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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