
I never had much issues with ANGER in the past because at every point of my life there were people(they still are) who bullied me because of my dark skin tone but whenever there was a need to prove myself right, I have tried my best to follow the problem and have taken the actions according to it.... Lessons learned They use to hate me but now I am dealing with the foreign clients, now today looking back at all the incidents happened with me in the past lead me to this conclusion:

"ANGER isn't my thing I just cannot be Angry at someone who just doesn't like me or my work that's totally their opinion in the end their is nothing to whine about or to complain about"

Success requires sacrifices and suffering You gotta want it !!!

DEUCES !.!.!.!

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

12:02 AM

Delhi, India, pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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