
I recorded myself on a camera for the first time in a while, everyone here will now think how is that a big deal now ??? trust me, its a big deal for me, Anxious folks will understand that better. I watched it afterwards and i fell asleep because of my voice tone but my friendly therapist said "its a good progress, atleast you did a little effort this time around to work on your introverted attitude" I laughed during the whole conversation with him that video is really funny to me who knows ??? maybe i'll put it on Youtube. Anyway its the season of joy "Its Christmas Time" on December 24th , i went out and had a great time, Energy Drinks, Fizzy Beverages were absolutely amazing and The cafe where we had food was incredible, Overall an evening of giddy fun. Just so to let you all know that I am writing this post in a Car and my buddies are playing loud music right now because we're stuck in the middle of highway with this massive gurugram traffic jam.

MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎅🎄 and Happy Holidays Everyone !.!.!

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

1:07 AM

Gurugram-Delhi, India.

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