Stressed Out

Hello ! judging by the title i am assuming that you'll know this song by Twenty One Pilots called "Stressed Out".It came out in year 2015 if i'm right, the vibe from that song was on my mind today, i couldn't help it the lyrics from this song are very much Relatable and Logical. It presents a definite truth like when we were kids we used to dream of outer space but actually now it seems like they're all laughing at us. Those times when we used to ride our Bicycles to our friends home, having an uniquely awesome handshake of our own and not caring about what the world will think about us. This song really has a Meaning and i mean a good one a really good one. I really hate being a responsible civilian sometimes. nobody cares...


now we're STRESSED OUT !

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

12:08 AM

Delhi, India

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