Hot Day !

"Life isn’t about someday or yesterday. It isn’t about what could have been or what may someday be. It’s about today, right now, this very moment. It’s about falling in love with the world around us every day." - Nope, the lines written in the inverted commas aren't true by the way today was a very hot day and i had to do some very important work on a project outside my man cave, by this i mean i love to do the work but i can't take those hot air slaps and the level of humiliation this warmth season is giving me. Other reason i don't like working outside in the summer is that i am SUPER SWEATY.

My body produce so much sweat that i could fill a bucket of it everyday, oh yeah... it is that disgusting and all of this happens even if i'm standing in the shed of a tree or something else. It was a very disturbing day for sure and i don't like to blame consequences but today it was 1000 %  this hot day's fault.

Reflection is a Wonderful Friend and Let's see how much long can i keep Procrastinating.

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

10:53 PM

Delhi, India., pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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