
The hardest part of being a writer is still the first read allowing yourself to be that vulnerable. well that was some way to start this post anyway someone asked me "Do you have Low Self-Esteem ?" and i was not even shocked because i took no time in replying by saying "NO !" to that person, I know that i have a resting depressed face but saying that i have Low Self Esteem is just the next level of Judging people especially when you don't even know me that well !.!.! We all feel nervous or afraid to do things at times but i'm pretty sure the decisions i have made have done a lot of good things for me. Achieving your goals always help to increase your self-esteem. I have always encouraged criticism about me and my opinions but saying the mean things like these causes so much low-confidence Seriously please don't say that to anyone. Negative things can bring people down so much. The only way to cope with these types of situations is by avoiding things and from my experiences i have learned that it's the destructive criticism we need to avoid.

Roses are like b**chy supermodels of flowers, I'd rather fall for Sunflowers.

Thanks For Reading 

Prateek Gupta 

11:48 PM

Delhi, India., pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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