The Constant Battle

monologue 63

Inner Voice: You better complete all these assignments before the Diwali week !!

Me: I'll do it in the night.

Inner Voice: Okay ! I believe you.

7 hours later

Inner Voice: So, its 11 PM now where your assignment at ?

Me: Shut up ! you are such a pain in the tush aren't you ? Stop bugging me !

Inner Voice: Hey ! language...  It's your goal not mine.

Me: Okay, I will do it ! after finishing my night pages.

Inner Voice: Well I haven't recorded any night pages work from you in Weeks. Which pages are you talking about ???

Me: Oh ! let's talk about that... You haven’t been around for Months and now you're back at it again Interfering and stuff ??

Inner Voice: I’m always here. You just don’t always hear me.

Me: just go away !.!.!

in the morning

Inner Voice: Where are you headed ?

Me: Yo, you're back i finished 3 of the assignments last night. You Happy Now ???
Inner Voice: Just 3 your goal was to do all of them. answer my question first: Where are you headed ?

Me: SERIOUSLY !? stfu... go away. I'm going to college.

Inner Voice: Bye Bye ! for now I'll ping you. if something comes up.

monologue 63 (to be continued...)

Sooner or later, your past catches up to you - Christopher Robin

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

12:21 AM

Delhi, India, pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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