Writing Down The Habits

Goals are byproducts of habits. Don’t write down goals. Write down habits.

“Write it down, make it happen.”

* Not drinking alcohol at all.
* Not smoking weed at all.
* Cutting OCD medication everyday to more smaller quantities.
* Not consuming bread, junkfood, fizzy beverages and any kind of non vegetarian diet at all.
* Consistently attending the classes and their respective practical sessions.
* Consistently Writing Night Pages and Morning Pages Everyday.
* Reading for at least One and a half hour every day.
* Exercising for at least half hour every day.
* Coordinating with the Team Everyday for the work.

As a result of the mental clarity achieved with the first 3 habits, I’ll have more energy and drive to ‘just keep working and preparing for other important stuff As the reading and writing goes I’ll have more ideas to execute. In other news Children knows nothing about what goes in the world, I mean just like me ! jk.

I saw it the most hyped movie ever after the "Infinity War" the link to Avengers Endgame Non Spoiler review is below.

Avengers: Endgame Review: bit.ly/EndgameReview

The success requires suffering and sacrifice then so be it. I don’t need to be ‘happy’. Happiness is boring and comfort is insidious. I want to suffer.

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

11:48 PM

Delhi, India
google.com, pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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