
Showing posts with the label Discipline


hey people, its safe to say that i've successfully ventured past my life of procrastinating things even though i'm posting this here after a whole month of my absence now i'm actually looking forward to keep my web ventures alive and focusing on my life more as a playwright, the way it should've all been in the month of August. Yeah, obviously i'm late, as i said "I'm a Serious Procrastinator" last month i even thought of to put a final farewell ramble here but dropped the idea because i was too lazy to even write that, I keep saying I’m writing a book and i am serious about it I’ve written a lot of chapters here and there but for some reason they do not tend to make any sense, there is still a lot of hardwork left to do on that . In other news, the little notes in my diary always keep nagging me to add some discipline to my work. For which i've had some serious conversations with my editor but she said "you wanted to be free, you're