
Showing posts with the label Discomfort

The Constant Battle

monologue 63 Inner Voice: You better complete all these assignments before the Diwali week !! Me: I'll do it in the night. Inner Voice: Okay ! I believe you. 7 hours later Inner Voice: So, its 11 PM now where your assignment at ? Me: Shut up ! you are such a pain in the tush aren't you ? Stop bugging me ! Inner Voice: Hey ! language...  It's your goal not mine. Me: Okay, I will do it ! after finishing my night pages. Inner Voice: Well I haven't recorded any night pages work from you in Weeks. Which pages are you talking about ??? Me: Oh ! let's talk about that... You haven’t been around for Months and now you're back at it again Interfering and stuff ?? Inner Voice:  I’m always here. You just don’t always hear me. Me: just go away !.!.! in the morning Inner Voice: Where are you headed ? Me: Yo, you're back i finished 3 of the assignments last night. You Happy Now ??? ' Inner Voice: Just 3 your goal was to do


hey people, its safe to say that i've successfully ventured past my life of procrastinating things even though i'm posting this here after a whole month of my absence now i'm actually looking forward to keep my web ventures alive and focusing on my life more as a playwright, the way it should've all been in the month of August. Yeah, obviously i'm late, as i said "I'm a Serious Procrastinator" last month i even thought of to put a final farewell ramble here but dropped the idea because i was too lazy to even write that, I keep saying I’m writing a book and i am serious about it I’ve written a lot of chapters here and there but for some reason they do not tend to make any sense, there is still a lot of hardwork left to do on that . In other news, the little notes in my diary always keep nagging me to add some discipline to my work. For which i've had some serious conversations with my editor but she said "you wanted to be free, you're


Inspiration doesn't come easy as you think it does, I had some experiences in the past where i learn this in the hardest way possible. In this inspiration part when all of my ideas fell apart sometimes i feel happy that i am only letting myself down, because i hate it when i let other people down. I mean its just a whole another story where i had took some projects from people who are the best in the business if they're ever compared  to me and i didn't get the work done in time. I had a detailed conversation about this with one of my friends and he said "nobody is perfect, prateek you should find peace boy" i guess he is right because nobody knows what's up ahead for me or for them ??? maybe we all will end up again working and collaborating with each other. Life is just a wavelength and the distortion it suffers are the problems. Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 12:12 AM Delhi, India

Brad's Status

Watching a great movie makes me so calm. Thank you to The Director of movie "Brad's Status" Mike White. Honestly, it is an incredible movie i can say i finally watched a mid-life crisis which is beyond the perfection of  movie making. A Good story is totally a different criteria to rate a movie but the depth in itself "Brad's Status" presents is absolutely epic. I didn't have much to write about so i repeated myself by putting some words from Brad's Status Review i wrote last night on . Make sure you give that a quick read before you watch "Brad's Status" I am leaving the link to the Review below. Accept The Discomfort. Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 12:39 AM Delhi, India Brad's Status Review: ------------