
Showing posts with the label The Realm


When I'm at Writing workshops, watching movies or at general public conventions i observe people and their relationships in like how do they carry it ?  after a Lot of observing and roughly studying There is one thing that i kind of have a grasp upon, that you can't make somebody feel the way you do about them that's impossible. I know that its heartbreaking and rough but it is actually a Cold-Hard Fact. You always have to be honest with the other person and most importantly you have to be honest to yourself its all about the Honesty, thats how we can all really be. Don't lie right!? and at sometimes its okay to lie because its the important things that matter, if we talk about relationships some people who come into our life could really bring the different side in ourselves it can be bright or dark it doesn't matter the thing is that this side exists and it was inside you for all these years you don't have to hate it, it came out for the betterment of your so


"I know i just wanted to make some money but now its much more than that" me looking in my past and thinking was this really me ??? Being philosophical about this situation my mind wasn't expanding itself as it should have suppose to be.... I was caught in petty small things with myself. Someone responded to me on twitter last night he said "I can relate to every word in every post of yours.. good work mate !" I said "thank you so much for reading" and Seriously, Thank you to each and everyone of you... who come here everyday and support me !.!.! Ending this on a Polarizing note.... Accept The Discomfort. Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 12:17 AM Delhi, India


Hey ! Everyone So I Received A Comment On The Main Site Last Week and It was: "Hello, I check your blogs like every week. Your humoristic style is awesome, keep up the good work!" - Sergio Gomez this is the thing i live for i mean really a big thanks for appreciating and it is kind of weird that you're finding humor in my writings most of the time they're depressing for people and some people also target me about my grammatical mistakes its alright people i know i am not a literature scholar or something.... i am another 20 year old lad doing his own thing so that after 5 years i will not blame myself for not trying or experimenting with my multiple gigs. My life is vibrant and very powerful at this point of time everything is working out i am busy achieving new goals everyday !.!.!.! umm PEACE out .......!!! Be Rushed Be Unfocused You Will Find Your Way. [works for me] Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 1:09 am Delhi, India

The Realm

I Couldn't Sleep tonight just another one of those nights its 2:02 am and i am on my computer writing this post i don't really know whats happening i am not even trying to sleep haha !! dumb state of happiness clings on again i am thinking a lot been lately so many ideas and weird imaginations are taking me into another realm where i can say that there is a soulful projectile peace of mind after midnight... Theory: Do More -> Get More !!!! documentaries cracking up minds been running from reality and the truth so am i good ??? umm yes !! maybe not i need to spent more time with real people from now on.!.!.! Emotional Roller Coaster is Another Amusing Ride It will be Over Soon. Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 2:09 AM Delhi, India