
Weg - First Journal in German Language

Das Leben ist heutzutage so erstaunlich besser, alles, was ich tue, eröffnet mir neue Wege, ich bin froh, dass ich angefangen habe zu schreiben, und es hat mich so selbstbewusst und sachkundig gemacht. 21 Monate zurück hatte ich keine Leidenschaften, ich war mir nicht sicher, was ich mit mir selbst machen sollte, das war eine der einsamsten und negativsten Zeit für mich, aber dank inspirierender und unterhaltsamer Podcasts, die in dieser Zeit da waren, um mich zu unterstützen, kam meine Motivation aus diesen Podcasts, ich habe irgendwie ein Online-Geschäft Genießew deinen Kampf, während du dabei bist, denn eines Tages wirst du es so sehr vermissen.... Die Welt mit einem kurzen Beitrag nach dem anderen zu einem besonderen Ort machen... :) Danke Fürs Lesen Prateek Gupta 22:39 Uhr Delhi, Indien

Lockdown Encounters: Day Infinity

Nothing like a few days of sunlight, water, and 9 hours of sleep to heal your soul. I feel brand new again. Scheduled some stuff, made some phone calls, getting things done. Up and down and around we go! Life! I saw a movie by myself yesterday. I’ll do this every now and then. Like its obvious because of Lockdown in Delhi saw a cheesy flick called “A Time to Dance” at 6:30pm. Late Night I went to a close by eatery for the usual Junk Food takeaway. I just needed my junk food and to be gone. After an awkward minute of them finally getting my order and me whipping out my card and entering the chip into the fucking thing I said, “thanks man” fake smiling as best I could and then walked away.  Sometimes I do act like this (Like All The Time) and I don't even know why. I probably don't have the Energy to talk to them, Other reasons might be because of this City Life, Skylines, Radiations Wi-fi and most probably Other People in General. Also being born with Anxiety Issues cater to tha


Hey" it is needless to say this word here, I bet no one expects posts from a person who prefer daydreams over reality. So, actually there is nothing new with me I've been Avoiding boredom and Avoiding accountability. How did I get here? Everything hurts. My mind is foggy as hell. I hate everyone and everything. I need to bite my tongue and save face as best I can. Avoid people. Next Month I'm off to Mumbai for a few days Drinking lots of water because the trainer said so also I don't want myself to be turning into a Junk Food eating werewolf. I cleaned my room. Sweating and with drawling and hating myself. Shame and guilt flooding my thoughts. I should finally write that final excerpt for my client Will I ever learn? something is wrong with me. My place is clean now. I still feel stable. I’m gonna read now until I fall asleep. Keep chugging back some water. It’ll be about a week or so before I feel good again. That’s what I get. Atoning for my sins.  I still remember s

Hey Motivation do you still exist ???

Oh Hey Journal, I am so sorry that I abandoned you again !.! Seriously telling you I have spent the vast majority of the last 6 months or so, planted in my command center, working. Don’t get me wrong, that is actually a good thing. I am blessed to absolutely love my work, which tends to lead to me spending way too much time working. I am determined to find a healthy work-life balance. or Whatever that is. Does it actually exist? So, where the heck did my motivation go for actually Living life outside of work? I honestly don’t have a clue where to start. I just know that it is beyond time for me to start taking action because I am certainly not going to find whatever it is that I seem to be searching for without taking some actual steps to get out of the rut I seem to be in. “The courage and strength that you so desperately seek is right there within you. Close your eyes and feel it. It has been there all along…” - Owl City  This process is definitely going to be baby steps for me. Even


the title of this post is "post" because my mind is fed up and i don't know where I'm heading... so, where I have been ??? pretty much nowhere. just here not writing and procrastinating for months. anyway... All my lights are off. Besides my glowing Laptop, it’s nearly pitch black in my humble one bedroom. I’m wearing a DCEU Flash T-Shirt I got from free authority warehouse sales I like this t-shirt because it makes me look that I'm a fan of Flash but I am not. I am the Green Lantern fan boy from the wrong side of the tracks. My nose and hands are still cold though. It’s much quieter in my area. I’m in a tucked-in neighborhood now, far away from any busy streets. Switching to this place from my usual 3 storey cosy-flexy Home it is not saving me any money well I previously said Frugality was the new cool but Fuck That. I'm flexing, I'm content fuck it all, I am just living. As usual, I’m going to be awake and the world will sleep . It’s so quiet that I can

when you are not okay

You ever had those days where Life is just beating you up where you feel overwhelmed about everything in life that seems to be working against you where it feels like everything is falling apart sometimes you are just not okay and if you are like me, it hurts so much to think that you are not Perfect. Media and society tell us that we should be better we should be farther along in our Career, you should have this materialistic thing to be happy or whatever and though it is important to constantly keep growing but we take this message in its extreme form, Where we police ourselves and shame ourselves for not being Perfect. We are horrified that "Oh my God! I am not living the Perfect Life". We end up beating ourselves so much because of that. While in this Quarantine I've had so many days lately where I compared myself to my friends with regular jobs and here I am draining my bank account as a Freelancer. We all have moments some may be more than others.  A quick

Hey, Mark Dohner...

Hey, you don’t recognize me as a conscious being, but I exist and am constantly around the like buttons on your vlogs, and I want to speak up for once, after listening to your some of your recent podcasts with Pierson  so, real quick… I lurk and pay attention everything you do and have been since I discovered you during 2017 Summer. And from then to now you ended up becoming a huge inspiration that I never really thought I’d find or need since I’m very emotionally self sufficient and independent, and just assume I’d always value my own time and making meaningful contributions way before connecting. You’ve proved me wrong there. I know that I must feed my brain by embracing my creativity and striving to be more articulate and assertive in catering my own path. Along with learning in this unconventional way. I view you as comedic smart in multiple ways, and it’s an amazing thing to watch in the vlogs, and especially the year 2020 with your songs becoming my spotify playlist starters.