
Showing posts from September, 2020


the title of this post is "post" because my mind is fed up and i don't know where I'm heading... so, where I have been ??? pretty much nowhere. just here not writing and procrastinating for months. anyway... All my lights are off. Besides my glowing Laptop, it’s nearly pitch black in my humble one bedroom. I’m wearing a DCEU Flash T-Shirt I got from free authority warehouse sales I like this t-shirt because it makes me look that I'm a fan of Flash but I am not. I am the Green Lantern fan boy from the wrong side of the tracks. My nose and hands are still cold though. It’s much quieter in my area. I’m in a tucked-in neighborhood now, far away from any busy streets. Switching to this place from my usual 3 storey cosy-flexy Home it is not saving me any money well I previously said Frugality was the new cool but Fuck That. I'm flexing, I'm content fuck it all, I am just living. As usual, I’m going to be awake and the world will sleep . It’s so quiet that I can ...