
Showing posts from October, 2018

unflattering description

Words play an active role in everyone lives, well surely it does have a lot of importance in my life last week, i got reviewed by my editor and it was terrible. There is still a lot of work needed to be done, my editor; she is really good at what she does and always tells me if i'm going wrong that is actually what i admire the most about her. She wrote a one-liner about my unpublished manuscript stating "Writer is presenting an unflattering description !" and after i got the e-mail i saw UNFLATTERING DESCRIPTION was written in bold and my spirits went down. but, that is the thing you get down and some things come to cheer you up. The bad is the enemy of the best, I have a good life i got better since last year i remember when I was sad. I really don't like talking about being sad. I think the term "depression" is overused, If it’s circumstantial, then you’re just sad. And there’s so much more stigma about being sad than being depressed. obviously I didn&


When I'm at Writing workshops, watching movies or at general public conventions i observe people and their relationships in like how do they carry it ?  after a Lot of observing and roughly studying There is one thing that i kind of have a grasp upon, that you can't make somebody feel the way you do about them that's impossible. I know that its heartbreaking and rough but it is actually a Cold-Hard Fact. You always have to be honest with the other person and most importantly you have to be honest to yourself its all about the Honesty, thats how we can all really be. Don't lie right!? and at sometimes its okay to lie because its the important things that matter, if we talk about relationships some people who come into our life could really bring the different side in ourselves it can be bright or dark it doesn't matter the thing is that this side exists and it was inside you for all these years you don't have to hate it, it came out for the betterment of your so


hey people, its safe to say that i've successfully ventured past my life of procrastinating things even though i'm posting this here after a whole month of my absence now i'm actually looking forward to keep my web ventures alive and focusing on my life more as a playwright, the way it should've all been in the month of August. Yeah, obviously i'm late, as i said "I'm a Serious Procrastinator" last month i even thought of to put a final farewell ramble here but dropped the idea because i was too lazy to even write that, I keep saying I’m writing a book and i am serious about it I’ve written a lot of chapters here and there but for some reason they do not tend to make any sense, there is still a lot of hardwork left to do on that . In other news, the little notes in my diary always keep nagging me to add some discipline to my work. For which i've had some serious conversations with my editor but she said "you wanted to be free, you're