
Showing posts from August, 2019

Aham Brahmasmi!

Thriller TV Shows and Movies will always have my time vested in them. The Season 2 of "Sacred Games"  released on Independence Day and wow, I'm really impressed with the storyline, The Hard Work of the artists is showing. Exemplary performances by the Actors, Directors and most importantly the Writers, based upon the original characters created by Vikram Chandra for his book of same name "Sacred Games". For The Ultimate Sunday Binge Watch it is very well worth it. Dense, dark, brutal, edgy and sense of realism is mind-boggling. I can say that Season 2 is much much better than Season 1, it shows that the art of film making isn't dead in India. As for the people who're avoiding it because of abusive language and nudity, I respect your decision but I have to say that the context of the show can go beyond your mind, complexity of script and small open secrets hiding nowhere but in front of your eyes might interest you in reconsidering it to watch. You bas...


It's an encouraging thing when you pour yourself into something and people go out of their way to let you know that they enjoy it. like even priceless. Just for once I want my life to be like a 90s movie. As I said earlier I have a lot of extra aimless and senseless material which is of no use, i will be throwing all of that here from now on. because why not ?! below is one excerpt, i wrote randomly: -Twenty Two- I looked in the mirror in the morning and what did I see? A average dark twenty-two year old looking back at me. How is that possible, how can it be? Wasn’t it yesterday I was nineteen? was living my best life, without all the worries. With twenty-five just a stone’s throw away I begin to wonder how to keep it all at bay Then I realize some aren’t blessed to see that day Life is short and I'm not getting younger, I wanna get rich like JP and Corden, 100k a month , sounds pretty golden. Another decade? to see... I think I’ll be okay. update* on...

the magic

Every journey starts with that first step, even knowing that there may be several course corrections along the way. It’s not enough to dream and plan. At some point, you have to take action, even if you’re not quite sure where you’re headed. I have spent 2 years now dreaming about converting my non-fiction manuscript into a book but I don't know where I'm going wrong because its just not happening. The Editor assigned to me by a literary agent is giving up on me now, I just can't find the perfect balance in the storyline and realism it leads upto. One thing I do know about myself is that when I don’t have new challenges, I tend to get bored. When that happens, I just sort of go on autopilot. I go through the motions, where the excitement dissipates quickly. For me, it is like trekking the same forest over and over again. Even though you see new things each time you go, eventually it just gets old. Step one for me will be taking some random online classes to check out thing...

nostalgically cool

So, Everyone’s concept of cool is different, i started the post with 'So' it is grammatically incorrect wait is it!? Nobody cares. As i was saying everyone's concept of being cool is extremely different, for some Money is cool, for some having a nerdy collection of something is cool but Basically, people who live in the moment are actually the Coolest people. Interesting people that live their own life and say what they want that’s my idea of cool. So, can people change with time ? It’s kind of a mystery. Sometimes I get in these moods and get all hyped up like nothing is wrong, be all healthy, think long-term, logical. boring decisions on the road to SUCCESS! Then the next day I’m back to my normal ‘Fun World’ paradigm. Do we'll strive to be better? Or do we just enjoy the ride and go with the flow? Can there be a balance? Tell me this. If one guy lives his life eating oats and brown bread with peanut butter with a caffeine drink in hand every morning and he’s happy. ...