
Showing posts with the label Procrastination

Procrastinating Dilemma

Procrastination is the tendency to delay or postpone important tasks or actions. It is something that most people struggle with at some point in their lives, whether it is putting off an assignment until the last minute or avoiding a difficult conversation with a loved one. While procrastination may seem like a harmless habit, it can have serious consequences in both our personal and professional lives. In this post, we will discuss the causes and effects of procrastination, as well as some strategies for overcoming this common problem. One of the main reasons why people procrastinate is due to a lack of motivation or interest in the task at hand. It can be difficult to stay focused and engaged when we are not passionate about what we are doing, leading to feelings of boredom and frustration. Additionally, some people may struggle with perfectionism, feeling like they cannot start a task until they have all the necessary information or skills to complete it perfectly. Another cause of


the title of this post is "post" because my mind is fed up and i don't know where I'm heading... so, where I have been ??? pretty much nowhere. just here not writing and procrastinating for months. anyway... All my lights are off. Besides my glowing Laptop, it’s nearly pitch black in my humble one bedroom. I’m wearing a DCEU Flash T-Shirt I got from free authority warehouse sales I like this t-shirt because it makes me look that I'm a fan of Flash but I am not. I am the Green Lantern fan boy from the wrong side of the tracks. My nose and hands are still cold though. It’s much quieter in my area. I’m in a tucked-in neighborhood now, far away from any busy streets. Switching to this place from my usual 3 storey cosy-flexy Home it is not saving me any money well I previously said Frugality was the new cool but Fuck That. I'm flexing, I'm content fuck it all, I am just living. As usual, I’m going to be awake and the world will sleep . It’s so quiet that I can


hey people, its safe to say that i've successfully ventured past my life of procrastinating things even though i'm posting this here after a whole month of my absence now i'm actually looking forward to keep my web ventures alive and focusing on my life more as a playwright, the way it should've all been in the month of August. Yeah, obviously i'm late, as i said "I'm a Serious Procrastinator" last month i even thought of to put a final farewell ramble here but dropped the idea because i was too lazy to even write that, I keep saying I’m writing a book and i am serious about it I’ve written a lot of chapters here and there but for some reason they do not tend to make any sense, there is still a lot of hardwork left to do on that . In other news, the little notes in my diary always keep nagging me to add some discipline to my work. For which i've had some serious conversations with my editor but she said "you wanted to be free, you're