
Showing posts with the label everything changes

Procrastinating Dilemma

Procrastination is the tendency to delay or postpone important tasks or actions. It is something that most people struggle with at some point in their lives, whether it is putting off an assignment until the last minute or avoiding a difficult conversation with a loved one. While procrastination may seem like a harmless habit, it can have serious consequences in both our personal and professional lives. In this post, we will discuss the causes and effects of procrastination, as well as some strategies for overcoming this common problem. One of the main reasons why people procrastinate is due to a lack of motivation or interest in the task at hand. It can be difficult to stay focused and engaged when we are not passionate about what we are doing, leading to feelings of boredom and frustration. Additionally, some people may struggle with perfectionism, feeling like they cannot start a task until they have all the necessary information or skills to complete it perfectly. Another cause of

Things I want to tell my Teen Self

No matter how much we want to control our Life we can't always know what is going to happen. The Change is scary and Life will always surprise you with "Oh, this is your new truth Live It !" you cannot do anything you have to accept that. If i talk about myself and generally everyone my age we're so used to take so many things for granted like this blue sky, freedom, our home, our parents and much more. There is absolutely no harm in being yourself but if your personality is negative then some changes can be made ! so, there are few things i want to tell my teenage self . here we go: * Embrace your introverted self. * Do not take anything for granted. * It is okay to be a late bloomer. * People move on and so should you. * Make friends who last beyond school. * You don't have to do something just because all the cool kids are doing it. *Always be optimistic about your future. * People give far fewer sh*** about what you look like so don't bother. *


I had the best sleep this morning I woke up feeling great. It was exactly 7:18am, perfect timing to start the day and get back on track. As I go through these motions and fill up my day after my Communication Exam i had this thought: People who say "I don't give a f*#k what other people think about me" usually care about it the most its so easy to say that one sentence but the fluid inside the cerebrum of your brain experience a heavy storm of hurt thoughts during that time and leaves an impact to live with. Inevitably, human nature requires a feeling of belonging. Noone wants to feel that way ever. Luckily as I've gotten older I’ve slowly learned to care more about the important character traits in people. The Important Ones are: Honest, considerate and kind and these traits are totally winning over the funny, famous and hot ones. Because all these funny, famous and hot ones always want more attention, more followers and more fame today was one of those days where i