

My Life depends on my 15 Minutes Work a Day Schedule so, let me tell everyone what's my 15 Minutes of Work a Day actually consist of Almost 3 years ago when i didn't knew what i should do with my life I mean - ZERO hopes sometimes i still ask this question but at that time everything was going wrong for me... nothing really seemed to interest me at all .... I was Broke with myself.... I was like the King of Problems where i decided to go with my Love of Wrestling and Sports Entertainment  writing which after 6 months of its existence did pretty good(aka i made some internet money)  after that one deal after other and between all of these it actually turned into a team leading it to more views and more business now we do promotions and have over 80 blogs independently inside our network which really is a milestone for myself..... In Other Words I put my team in position and now they're killing it !.!.!.! its all about the team work....(vital beats coming soon on soundcloud.


I'm being way too comfy with my life these days I should probably work more instead of finding different kind of excuses not to work everyday.... finding the perfect motivation is so hard because when you will find it maybe at that time your life would've moved on... but like the last post this is called LOSING THE HOPE and setting myself free I have a mini-micro-nano online Business, i have fun have some friends and more stuff like that to be happy..... biggest them of all my new buddy CONTENTMENT is keeping me not to look back at the failures and reminds me that this is the Job well done. I'm an Observant plus I Emphasize Happiness to live life !.!.!.! my kind of love: Internet Life... Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 1:03 am Delhi, India Free Audiobooks here:


I read somewhere Necessary fact of Life - "Hope" but I don't agree with it here is my different perspective-->>> So, Hope is like the cousin of Expectations and when you're expecting things to happen then you're literally setting yourself up for failures. In past i used to hoped a lot like I hoped my day will go better or i hoped that my work will get more hits and so on the HOPE list didn't stop. Now i prefer to go with the flow and just live my life - Get Money Get Paid I force myself to work harder on my own terms. It's working like a Gold Making Machine for me.... Lose The Hope and set yourself free !!!! plug- Vital Beats Coming Soon on Soundcloud..... Go With The Flow, Be Insightful ! Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta Delhi, India

Build Up

My documentary skills need some serious build up Epiphany: its not about how good your idea stands it is about how you're presenting the idea among your Audience.The Last Content Documentary i worked on didn't even cleared the beginning stages of documentary making One of the collaborator pointed out the big mistakes I did. He said its Unfocused and I am rushing things too fast.... I kinda agree with him it was really bad but we will work it out and maybe soon it will be out.!.!.!.! Someone DM'ed me saying Dude... You're an Observant.... i laughed and replied "Observant" nope i am not but thanks for the feedback... Observing the Situation i want that feeling.... i am not bitter!.!.! Anyway Keep Up The Good Work Everyone. Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 12:52 am Delhi, India.


Creativity comes from curiosity and my curiosity is little low these days.  so, day before Yesterday i was thinking of  ideas for some script content where I was seeing at my laptop screen for straight 15 minutes but couldn't think  of any ideas or points to complete it then i had a Pepsi to chill my thoughts but nothing was working until i saw a Short Documentary about Shakespeare then i had the realization that my curiosity to know things isn't same as it was a week ago. some time goes by.... i took a break and went on to check some World News where i saw that Chester Bennington Linkin Park lead singer committed Suicide. Its tragic and my thoughts and prayers are with his family. While i am writing this post i scrolled through my twitter and i just heard that Home Alone  Star Actor John Heard Also Died aged 72. He was recovering from a back surgery which could be the reason of his death. but Chester Bennington we don't know what was he fighting with or how much inner pai


To live with the Knowledge of remembering the statistics and reach of your work is a REWARD. I am getting so much compliments these days the latest one of them was given by a good friend he said "Prateek You're Insightful !!!" i said thank you lets get some fizzy beverages bro... he replied oh yes why not ??? The Experiences i lived are by far the most phenomenal moments of my life... sometimes the things aren't comfortable and fun... but you can learn from them thats your REWARD. Do The Work, Walk More, Read More, Eat More and Get Involved In Things .... LIVE LIFE !.!.!.! - Vital Beats Coming Soon On Soundcloud and YouTube........ Bring Your Mysterious Thoughts To Life Seriously, Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 9:03 PM Delhi, India

1. 2. 3. Highlight

Some things just makes me so calm like Game of Thrones Season 7 premiered today and almost everyone in my circle was watching it and talking about it Ed Sheeran was in it and blah blah blah blah ..... but i was griding like everyday writing some stuff down. Improvising a sketch script and working on a little manuscript. The Content Grind makes me so happy because most of the time I am a lazy person who eats and drinks fizzy beverages. At this point i want to keep my plans Wonderful and just being a normal person sticking on to his PLAN.!.!.!.!.! LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION --- live your life ..... Highlight of My Life: Internet . Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 1:36 am Delhi, India