
Boxing Day

When you get invested in something so much, you can't help it but do that thing again and again. Well, this Christmas I stayed at home and slept my way through boxing day took a break from everything i was doing, watched a lot of netflix and movies. Guess what ??? i have a lot of stuff to recommend now Go Watch: The Fix, Maniac, Ozark(Season 2), Jonah Hill's directorial debut mid90s and Karen Gillan directorial debut The Party's Just Beginning all of these are incredible and are of different genres so, pick one of them or watch everything. Also I realized there are always some disadvantages of your passion, i like writing aimlessly as you all know lot of my stuff doesn't even make sense but i just wanna write, i like it too much. I've been reading stack of some old writing notes these days, it is allowing me to gather my thoughts again. The things that i could do the rest of my life without any dread are Writing, Journaling, Directing and Non-Fiction. Haha that'


Hey Everyone... Longtime No See... well I've been busy the last 15 days. 15 days is actually a really longtime in journal days, its like a whole fad has gone by or something. anyway, Inspiration doesn't come easy as you think it does, I had some experiences in the past where i learnt this in the hardest way possible. The Time when all of my ideas fell apart sometimes i feel happy about that time because i knew that i was only letting myself down,  i totally hate it when i let other people down. I’m in a good place right now, and to answer why i am not with my commercial writing clan anymore because: Rather than express whatever angst and malaise that gets dealt my way by writing profane drafts, scripts and posts littered with curse words and crude allegories. I'd rather love to spend time imagining how immensely beautiful this life has the perfect potential of being. Sincerely, I'm done with those people who always tried to take credit of the work i did in my unaccount


I had the best sleep this morning I woke up feeling great. It was exactly 7:18am, perfect timing to start the day and get back on track. As I go through these motions and fill up my day after my Communication Exam i had this thought: People who say "I don't give a f*#k what other people think about me" usually care about it the most its so easy to say that one sentence but the fluid inside the cerebrum of your brain experience a heavy storm of hurt thoughts during that time and leaves an impact to live with. Inevitably, human nature requires a feeling of belonging. Noone wants to feel that way ever. Luckily as I've gotten older I’ve slowly learned to care more about the important character traits in people. The Important Ones are: Honest, considerate and kind and these traits are totally winning over the funny, famous and hot ones. Because all these funny, famous and hot ones always want more attention, more followers and more fame today was one of those days where i


Bad Dreams i don't know how to get them out of my head, my 15 year old self didn't wanted me to be a Writer, he must've thought it would be a hard life pay is not going to be good and you can't always come up with good stuff but now at the age of 21 I think I'm ballin even though i have less fortune but still it opened a great variety of branches for me and everybody knows that every career is hard in one form or other and if you find that one thing which you Love it than you just Love It. Getting into  what i love about writing  so much ??? is simple first and foremost i get to be free, i get to see people and change their character to anything i want. I wake up every morning with this same motto: Another day another story to tell life is running its course let the chips fall wherever they may. Writing taught me that life is a movie only time will tell what is going to happen next don't live in the past be here now don't worry about the future just get exc


The hardest part of being a writer is still the first read allowing yourself to be that vulnerable. well that was some way to start this post anyway someone asked me "Do you have Low Self-Esteem ?" and i was not even shocked because i took no time in replying by saying "NO !" to that person, I know that i have a resting depressed face but saying that i have Low Self Esteem is just the next level of Judging people especially when you don't even know me that well !.!.! We all feel nervous or afraid to do things at times but i'm pretty sure the decisions i have made have done a lot of good things for me. Achieving your goals always help to increase your self-esteem. I have always encouraged criticism about me and my opinions but saying the mean things like these causes so much low-confidence Seriously please don't say that to anyone. Negative things can bring people down so much. The only way to cope with these types of situations is by avoiding things and

vital times

this is a post for my friends and acquaintances from miles around, i know its been a long time since i've put a short post out, but i swear it won't be long now till the weird kid reappears, in the fall of 2018 you would see my words, yeah it's alright now, this dream of mine came true, i hope the sad posts i write means some more to you, yeah it's alright now, the time is here at last, i know it's long since overdue but, PG is back ! I'd rather pick flowers instead of fights - Adam Young Thanks For Reading Prateek Gupta 11:42 PM Delhi, India

The Constant Battle

monologue 63 Inner Voice: You better complete all these assignments before the Diwali week !! Me: I'll do it in the night. Inner Voice: Okay ! I believe you. 7 hours later Inner Voice: So, its 11 PM now where your assignment at ? Me: Shut up ! you are such a pain in the tush aren't you ? Stop bugging me ! Inner Voice: Hey ! language...  It's your goal not mine. Me: Okay, I will do it ! after finishing my night pages. Inner Voice: Well I haven't recorded any night pages work from you in Weeks. Which pages are you talking about ??? Me: Oh ! let's talk about that... You haven’t been around for Months and now you're back at it again Interfering and stuff ?? Inner Voice:  I’m always here. You just don’t always hear me. Me: just go away !.!.! in the morning Inner Voice: Where are you headed ? Me: Yo, you're back i finished 3 of the assignments last night. You Happy Now ??? ' Inner Voice: Just 3 your goal was to do