New Year

Dear New Year,

Hello, New Year minus the six days i know its really late to welcome you but i had something to say about the last revolution Mother Earth completed around the Sun i.e Year 2017, it was the greatest year of my life. In February of last year i turned 20 years old and created more Ventures which i am really proud of, In August i had my dream vacation on the Nicobar Islands, College life is absolutely fantastic, Made few bucks on my own co-founded a Team of Internet Enthusiasts, Assisted a Writer on her Debut Book, did some business trips for the DOM, wrote for some big Creators, In December finally started working on that Secret Contentment, Worked for Comic Con and most importantly i did loose some of my Social Anxiety !.!.! Almost Every Project i focused on in 2017 turned out pretty Incredible. On that Remarkable year 2017 note i want to start this year with more positivity and less laziness let me give a huge shout-out to you 2018 because i want to do more work, achieve more of my goals and be more CONTENT with the hint of Happiness and Positive Vibes. I love you. 2018 !.!.! first post of you....

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

11:39 PM

Delhi, India., pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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