
Junk food addiction is real i tried to go out to do workout but couldn't really made it in results bread, sugar and fizzy drinks are right now my biggest enemy i need to stop it but i can't because whenever i stop taking these i got seizures headaches and my mind my body keeps urging for these things i am being serious what ? should i do.... writing this post somehow makes me happy because i am not living a healthy life Habits wise its a miserable mess. There is this thing people told me about called "SELF-CONTROL" and i don't have it which is why from now on i should start looking more into it i am just waiting it out, reading more, sleeping more...... a Mountain Dew oh well Bring It On !.!.!.!

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

11:03 PM

Delhi, India, pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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