
The power of your thoughts takes no time to turn against and because of this it can be extremely weird sometimes speculating our past life. Cure to control your power of thoughts is consuming Good LITERATURE. Many of us used to hate Literature in our school time but as they say there is always a phase for everything Literature and Fiction came back in my life and changed it for good.

( i don't have much to write about)

Someone Commented on Medium that i should go to a psychiatrist my post are heavily focused on Social Anxiety and Depression may be he is right but i don't think so because thats how i am since day one. I know all of this doesn't makes any sense..... !.!.!.!.! But this is the most realest thing i do.... being awkward and weird !!!

Compiling Words Just For Fun !

Thanks For Reading

Prateek Gupta

1:19 am

Delhi, India, pub-9055901452179994, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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